Wednesday, February 18, 2009


If your eyes tear ducts posess,
do not maim them in false pride,
if an urge to weep comes.

Haste, be quick to weep,
for weeping has a voice.
A voice as music upon dreaded ears:
every tempo right on time,
it's rhythm specific.

Make your eyes private though,
for tears wept in secret,
are those which wash the soul of all impurity


  1. i cried this wednesday
    and it was good
    and i didn't care who saw or who knew

    i just cried
    i love my tears

  2. 'for tears wept in secret,
    are those which wash the soul of all impurity'

    Now that is something to thing about.

  3. tears..
    they are God's given language to something that is beyond what can be spoken...

  4. Really nice, I have an article called Boy's dont cry..will put it up soon
